English : The most imprtant event of recent years |
The most imprtant event of recent years
The joint of Hungary to the EU
The most imprtant event of recent years
(The joint of Hungary to the EU)
To begin with the begining after a brief hesitation, I have chosen the joining to the Europian Union of Hungary. The EU came from Europian Economical Community in1958. At the begining, 6 countries made a union, just to mention some of them, French, Germany etc. Its aim is to delete customs borders between the member states and it sets up mutual laws.
Let me continue with that in1992 the Europian Community picked up the name of Europian Union. In that time it contained 12 member-states. The more year went on, the more and more country joined to the EU. In present time it owns 25 member-states.
On one hand, several advantages belongs to the joint of Hungary. Firstly, thare are free working-possibilities.Secondly, inland borders were wiped out. Not only can you buy any item cheaper than befor the joint, but also you can find international goods beside local products. Thirdly, member-countries have common laws, so you will not be surprised if you visits abroad.
On the other hand, we can find some facts on the minus side, as well.Experts predict that due to the import of wide selection of foreign goods, inland companies might go bankcrupt. Probably, national economy seems to disappear. However, the worth of all is that Hungarian consciousness may cut down.
As regards the association between Hungary and the EU, we joined in 2004. As far as prepartions were four years. Great number of laws had to be checked and strenghten economy. On 1st May celebrations were organise all over the country.