| English : Marriage is a fragile thing |
Marriage is a fragile thing
Problems which can damage a marriage and tips how to solve them
Marriage is a fragile thing
First of all, let me mention some facts, which should be taken into consideration about the issue, in advance. Several problems are called as problems in Hungary. Fisrtly, there are financial problems due to the fact that there are not enough possibilities of work. As a matter of fact, accomodation is an issue, as well. Nowadays, it is impossible to buy a house without the help of parents, that is why, several couple lives together with parents. Not speaking about problems, drinking can spoil a marriage very easily.
Loving couples regard the wedding as the final station of their relationship. However, in contrast, it is the real begining of a hopefully, long-lasting co-operation. As I mean, it is the original problem with marriages, that the individuals do not maintain the relationship. Spouses are likely to get lazy about spending precious time together taking care of other’s opinion, mood, emotions and desires.
What I mean is that, husbands often forgets about dates, such as birthdays, anniverasies etc. Or our carelessness is to surprise with a minor branch of lil of the valley. On the other hand wives are also lazy to keep in condition to put on make up just for being at home. They do not care about doing their hair for Saturday and Sunday. Plus, they tend to wear casual and rather sheby clothes for housework.
Coming back to the point, differences, which seem to be minor get emphasis in everyday routine. How I mean is, leaving bits and pieces over the flat drives the other one mad after a time. On the contrary, spending an hour in the bathroom in the morning, and holding the other one up can also rise the tension. Not only do children occupy the parents’ thinner and thinner free time, but also taking up a second or a third part-time job can cause difficulties.
What could be done against it? Fortunately, I am still not in the position to judge such things entirely as being only 16. Hence, as far as I am concerned, love, patience, understanding, caring, and honesty could solve the dominant number of the cases. I mean, love and caring as to realising how one can help the other. Frankly speaking, I wish, I had the wisdom from the begining of marriage to stear clear of and solve problems.
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