The Ancient Rome
Definitions and famous people of the age
The Ancient Rome
comitia curiata: assembly of patricians
questor: they handled the finances
aedilis curilis: resposible for public order, markets and festivals
Licinian-Sextian Law: the size of land rented from the common land is limited
princeps: the 1st citizen, he could vote first
principate: new political order when the institution of the republic were formally kept, but in fact tha political life was influenced, controlled, determined and supervised by the pribceps.
Pax Romana: it’s a defense line called ’limes’ (from the reign of Octavian till Marcus Aurelius)
dominate: the 2nd period of the Roman Empire, its form is absolute monarchy, the emperor was standing above the society, he is ’dominus and deus’, all the citizens became subjects, the administration is centred on the emperor, ceremonial became important, the emperor doesn’t care about the republican traditions
Tarquinius Superbus: last Roman king, he was chased away
Hamilcar: Chartagian general, built a new empire in Spain, his son is Hannibal
Hannibal: invasion on Rome, crossing the Alps, at first he succeed, but finally was defeated
Cornelius Scipio: Roman commander, captured New Chartage, he won near Zama (Africa)
Tiberius Gracchus: tribune in 133 BC, allocation of common lands
Gaius Gracchus: tribune in 123 BC, continued the land reform, he gave cheaper grain to the poor, equetrians as judges, planned to give citizenship to Latins
Gaius Marius: general, consul for a few days, menber of popular party, military reforms /full time professional army, proletarians in the army, military duty, veterans/
Livius Drusus: tribune in 91 BC, expanded Roman citizenship to the upper classes of the allied cities, his death led to a social war (90-89)
Lucius Cornelius Sulla: Roman general and statesman, enemy of Marius and his party, defeated mithridates, he appointed himself dictator, proscription-list, 300 members of the senate from the equestrians, no veto, violence, restored the old system of magistrates
Pompey Magnus: general, consul, statesman, put down the slave revolt of Spartacus, gave land to his veterans with the help of Caesar, member of 1st triumvirate, governor in Hipania, later hving contact with the senate, fought against Caesar, died in Egypt
Crassus: general, rich businessman, he helped to Pompey against slaves, member of 1st triumvirate, governor in Syria
Julius Caesar: questor, aedilis curilis, preator, governor in Gaul, Hispania, consul, dictator, tribune, pontifex, imperator, member od 1st triumvirate, he crossed River Rubicon, marched into Rome, he von -> became the only ruler of the empire, lover of Cleopatra in Egypt, decreased taxes, made a calendar with a leap-year, golden coinage, ber of senate is raised to 900, disregarded republican traditions, conspiracy against him and was murdered
Brutus and Cassius: murderers of Caesar
Lepidus: leader of the cavarly, (Africa is his part of the empire), he hed to resign, member of 2nd triumvirate
Mark Antony: lover of Cleopatra, husband of Octavian’s siter, Caesar’s commander, had conflict with Octavian, member of 2nd triumvirate (his part was East)
Octavian/Augustus: member of 2nd triumvirate, the crowd supported him, confirmation of Caesar’s laws, defeated the assasins of him, (his part was West), defeated Antony and Cleopatra, sole ruler of the empire, restored the old republic, state-administration was reformed, Praetorian Guard, 20 years military duty, supervised provinces, building programmes, no major wars, Pax Romana
Julio-Claudian Dynasty: Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero
Flavian Dynasty: Vespasian, Titus, Domitian
Antonine Dynasty: Nerva, Tarja, Hadrian, Antonius Pius, Marcus Aurelius, Commodus
Septimius Severus: expanded the empire, disregarded the senate, abolished tax-farming
Caracalla: gave full Roman citizenship to all the free inhabitants if the provinces
Diolection: dominate, rule of 4, price and wage controlls, new fortifications, civilian and military command were split
Constantine the Great: absolute state, ’dominus and deus’, standing above the citizens, administration is centred on the emperor, supported by the army, legal christianity, new capital: Constantinople
Romulus Augustus: the last Roman emperor, he as deposed, exiled and killed
Famous Latin sentences
Vae victis! – The winner takes it all! ( it was said duing the territorial expansion of Rome)
Divide et impera! – Divide and rule! (Caesar said after crossing River Rubicon)
Alea iacta est! – The die is cast. (Caesar said after crossing River Rubicon)
Veni, vidi, vici! – I came, I saw, I won. (Caesar said after crossing River Rubicon)
Et tu, Brute? – And you also, Brutus? ( Caesar said before he died)
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