Math : Sets and Intervals |
Sets and Intervals
Definition: A well defined collection of objects.
Elements or members: The individual objects in a set.
We generally use capital Latin letters to name sets and lowercase letters to denote elements in a set. If the element x is an element of the set A we use the notion xA (read: x belongs to set A).
Drawings called Venn diagrams are used to visualize relationships among sets.
Cardinal number: The number of elements in set A is called the cardinal number (absolute value) of set A and is denoted by n(A) or│A│.
A set is finite if it’s cardinal number is is a whole number. An infinite set is one that is not finite.
Cartesian product: Let A and B two non-empty sets. The Cartesian product of two sets A and B, denoted by AxB, consists of the set of all ordered pairs (a;b) such that a is belong to A and b is belong to B. AxB={(a;b)│ .aA and bB}
Special sets:
Empty or null set: The set that contains no elements. This set is labelled by the symbol Ø.
Equal sets: Two sets A and B are equal if they have exactly the same members.In this cas we write A = B.
Subset: The set A is a subset of the set B if every element of set A is also an element of set B.
In order to show that A is included in B , we must show that every element of A also occures as an element of B.To show that A is not a subset of B, we have to fid only one element of A that is not in B.
A set has n elements has 2n subsets.
Set operations
Union: The union of sets A and b, written as AUB is the set of elements that are members of either A or B or both.
Intersection: The intersection of sets A and B, written as A∩B, is the set of elementscommon to both A and B.
Disjoint: The intersection of more than two sets is the set of elements that belong to each of the sets. If AB= Ø, then we say A and B are disjoint.
Complement: If A is a subset of the universal set U, the complement of A is the set of elemnets of U that are not elements os A. This is denoted by A’.
Difference: The difference of sets A and B is the set of elements that are in B but not in A. This set is denoted by B\A or B – A.
Number sets
C = natural numbers ={1, 2, 3, …}
W = whole numbers ={0, 1, 2, 3…}
I = integers ={…-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3….}
Q = rational numbers = {x is the form of a/b, where a and b are integers and b is not equal to 0}
Q* = irrational numbers = { x is not a rational number}
Number sets in Hungary
N = natural numbers ={0, 1, 2, 3, …}
Z = integers ={…-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3….}
Q = rational numbers = {x is the form of a/b, where a and b are integers and b is not equal to 0}
Q* = irrational numbers = { x is not a rational number}
R = real numbers {every existing number}
Closed interval: interval from a to b. Denotion: [a;b] a £ x £ b
Open interval: interval from a to b. Denotion: (a;b) a< x < b
Interval from a to b open from the left . Denotion: (a;b] a £ x < b
Interval from a to b open from the right . Denotion: [a;b) a < x £ b
Number half line from a to + ¥ . Denotion: [a;+ ¥) a £ x
Open Number half line from a to + ¥. Denotion: (a; ¥) a
Number half line from a to - ¥. Denotion: (-¥;a] x£ a
Open number half line from – to a ¥. Denotion: (-¥;a) x