Definitions - Functions
Function: Let X and Y two non-empty sets. A function (or map) is a rule or correspondence that associates each element of a set X with a unique element of another set Y. The set X is called the domanin and the set Y is called the codomain or image. One x € X cannot be associated with 2 or more elements of Y. The fact that the correspondance goes from the from the domain to the codoimain is indicated by the notation f: XàY. We have a subset in set Y that is used in the correspondance. Ths subset is the range of the function.
Graph: The set of ordered pairs is the graph of f.
Ways to describe functions:
- list all function values
- list all pairs as ordered pairs
- list the elements of both the domain and codomain and connecting x values to function values by arrows
- in tabular
- in terms of x that calculates the value of f(x)
- graph
- describe in words
1-1correspondance: A correspondance between two sets in which each member of either set is paired with one and only one member of the other set.
Substitution value: The replacement of all occurances of a variable by quantity.
Equal functions: Two functions are said to be equal if and only if their domains are the same.
Origin: Lett here be given two perpendicular number lines: x axis and y axis. The intersection of them is called the origin of the coordinates system.
Quadrants: The axes divide the plane into quarters.
Linear function: A linear fucntion is a function f: RàR f(x)=ax+b where a and b are real numbers and a doesn’t equal 0. If a=0 we have a constant function. If b=0 we have direct proportionality relation.
Slope: The slope is the ratio of how much y changes per change in x.
Zero of a function: A zero of the function f(x)is a root of the equation f(x)=0, it is also the x-intersection.
Y-intersection: The value of f(0) is the value of the y-intersection of function f(x). You have to calculate the substitution value at 0.
Quadratic function: A quadratic function is a function F. RàR f(x)=ax2+bx+c where a, b and c are real numbers and a doesn’t equal 0. The graph of the function is called parabola.
Vertex: The point of intersection of the parabola with its axis of symmetry is called the vertex of the parabola.
Square-root function: A square-root function is a function f: ràR f(x)= √x
x if x≥0
Absolute value function: An absolute value function is a function f: RàR f(x)= -x if x<0
Linear fractional function: A linear fractional function is a function f: R\{-d/c}àR f(x)= (ax+b)/(cx+d) where a,b,c and d are real numbers. The graph of the function is called hyperbola.
1 if x>0
Signum function: The signum function is the function sgn(x): RàR f(x)= 0 if x=0
-1 if x<0
Integer part: The integer part of a real number is the largest integer n such that n≤x, it is denoted by: [x]
Fractional part: The fractional part of a real number is the difference x-n, it is denoted by {x}.
Properties of a function:
- domain
- peridodicity
- parity: even or odd
- boundary: bounded above or below
- monotony: increacing or decreasing
- zeros
- y-intersection
- extreme points: maximum and minimum
- range