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Tri / History
Tri / History : High Middle Ages

High Middle Ages

Notions, persons, dates, and other important things

High Middle Ages – Summary




Cottar: A wild middle layer who worked in less favourable conditions, in other words, poor peasants

Craft guild: In Europe in the 11-14th century artisans of the same trade formed associations to protect their inrerests

Bunglers: artisans outside the guild

Crusade: a serious of military expeditions from Christendom to the Holy Land. Their aim was to reconcuer holy places.

Heretics: preached doctrines from the official ideology of the Church

Heresy: the movement or pfenomenon which meant the spreading of ideas which does not belong to the church

Inquisition: It was an organisation of experts whose job was to find and judge heretics

Friars lived in religious orders that taught and preached among people and tried to win back heretics

Estates are social layers of feudal sopciety, having the same rights, interests and inheritable privileges they can protect in politics

Investiture was a formal act of ceremony during which senior clergy recevied their offices with their attendant properties and revenues. From the 8th century it was a privilege of kings to appoint bishops to their office within their kingdom

Boyars: great landowners in Russia

Golden Horde: Batu Khan’s part of Russia


Important persons:


Thomas Aquinas: famous for his scolastic method

Roger Bacon: famous for his inductive method

John Wylcliffe: translated the Bible into English

Richard I. (Lionheart): English king; took part in the 3rd crusade

Frederic I. (Barbarossa): Holy Roman Emperor; took part in the 3rd crusade

Philip August: French king; took part in the 3rd crusade

John I. (Landless): English king, lost his French territories, issued Magna Carta Libertatum

Simon de Monfort: he had a revolt with barons against the English king, and called the 1st parliament (Monfort Parliament)

Edward I. : English king; he called together the 1st real parliament (Model Parliament)

Louis IX. / St. Louis: French king, made minting money to a royal monopoly, made a supreme court of justice

Philip IV. (Fair): French king, he called the 1st French parliament

Joan of Arc: French heroine, liberted France during the 100 years’ war

Otto I. : the 1st emperor of the Holy Roman Empire

Charles IV.: issued the German Golden Bull

Jan Hus: university teacher, he claimed the poverty of the church (Hussites’movement)

Sigismundus. German-Hungarian king, wanted to be the Bohemian king, too, enemy of Hussites

Jan i ka: leader of the Taborites

Alexander: Grand Duke of Vladimir, defeated the Swedes, and the Teutonic Knights

Ghengis Khan: defeated the Russians, inited the Mongols

Batu Khan: Tartan leader, overran Russia

Ivan I.: Grand duke of Moskow

Dimitri: defeated the Mongols in Russia

IvanIII.: 1st tzar of Russia

Popes: Pope Urban II.:he led the 1st crusade, Pope Gregory VII: pope during the investiture conflict; Pope Callixtus: Concordat of Worms; Pope AlexanderIII.: defeated Frederic I.


Important Dates:


11th century - Cluny reform movement

1077 -  Repentance at Canossa / Canossa Walk
1095 – I. crusade

1122 – Concordat of Worms

1215 – Magna Carta Libertatum

1265 – the 1st English parliament – Monfort Parliament

1295 – the 1st real parliament – Model Parliament

1302 – the 1st French parliament - Estates General

1347-50 – Black Death

1337/39-1453 – 100 years’ war

1356 – German Golden Bull

1419 – defenestration of council members, beginning of Hussites’ movement

1420 – „Peace Treaty of Troayes”

1434 – battle at Lipany, the Hussites were defeated

1455-85 – the War of Roses after the 100 years’ war

1479 – United Spanish Kingdom was formed

1480 – End of Mongol rue in Russia

1492 – Spanish movement to reconquer the iberian peninsula from Muslims



Other important facts:


7 liberal arts:

  • grammar
  • rhetoric
  • dialectic
  • arthimetric
  • astronomy
  • geometry
  • music


Estates in England:

    • High clegy and aristocracy
    • Nobles and knights     
    • Burghers


Estates in France:

  • Clergy
  • Nobles
  • Burghers


Magna Carta Libertatum:

-         contract between the king and barons

-         secured the right of the Church

-         towns could enjoy free customs and liberties

-         the king couldn’t levy taxes arbitarily

-         the accused person had the right to jury trial


English parliament: Model Parliament

French parliament: Estates General (Etates Generaux)

Spanish parliament: Cortez

Russian parliament: Duma

Hungarian parliament: Orszggyls


Two wing of Hussites: Callixtines (Utraquists), Taborites



Mit szoktl nzni a TV-ben?

tehetsgkutatkat (X-faktor, Megasztr stb)
valsgshowt (Val Vilg)
kibeszl showkat (Joshi Barath, Monika, Balzs show)
Politikai msorokat
Brmi olyat, aminek van valami rtelme
Brmit, csak szljon valami a httrben
Nem nzek TV-t
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Melyik a legjobb tncstlus?

funky, hip-hop
musical, show
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Induls: 2006-01-10

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