Where you can find them, their aim, negative and positive sides of ads
First of all, let me mention some interesting facts about where commercials can be found. Nowadays, not only are ads everywhere on streets for instance on posters, in booklets or newspapers, but also you can find them on TV. The problem with it is that they outnumber themselves, so sometimes we do not notice them, as they are obvious. People do not watch posters, just pass next to them, and they do not take into consideration those people who give a sheet of paper into your hand.
The aim and reason of these advertisements is to inform people about all kinds of things. Most elementary reasons are to get more consumers or introduce a new good. The more they advertise themselves, the larger the chance is to increase the sale. Sometimes they are for inform public about the usage of the product, or form common tastes and attitude.
Different types characterise adwerts, they could be funny, legal, illegal, restricted and general statements. They also have an influence on mind. For example, in ads dominantly, and almost only young, very slim, attractive girls and boys appear on the screen. That leads to that other agegroups generations and bodyform appearances are not fashionable, acceptable. According to phychologists and sociologists it has a vers serious result in the increase of numbers of bulimia, anorexia, depression, plus self-appeciation.
On the plus side you can learn new products from ads, and get an opportunity to know varieties. They help to choose the most suitable for your needs. However, they often just lie. I would say that, they are a kind of time savers because you get information without doing anything. You are informed both about local and international makes. They are useful, because when the film is interrupted, you can go to the loo, brush your teeth, or have a shower.
Nevertheless, on the minus side, it could be annoying, when they interrupt an exciting film. Commercials give false impressions on life and values. They make individuals believe that they become rich, famous, beautiful, young, popular, succesful and healthy.
In my view, both commercials and TV programmes could be useful. However, I am under the impression, that there are too many adwerts, which annoy people. In my experience a funny ad could persuade us easier than one, which tell only facts.
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