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●Texts about countries
●Texts about countries : Scottland


History, details, characteristics, kilt, Nessie, Scottish people, interestings



Let me start with mentioning the fact that Scottland is not a country, but a province of Great Britain. Firstly, a few words about its history: The territory was inhabited about already 6000 years ago by hunting and fishing tribes. Later, in the 3rd-4th century, Celts arrived there and they called themselves Scottie, that’s why the people is called Scottish now. After a time several kings came to throne, among them, there was Malcolm III., who had a Hungarian wife, Margit. During the reign of King Edward I., a huge antigonism evolved between England and Scottland. There were numerous wars between the two provinces.

In present time, the stateform of Scottland is Parliamental Democracy, and the official currency is Pound Sterling and language is English.. It has a territory of 79000 km2, and its population is 5.1 million. Its capital is Edinburgh and beside it, there are some dominant cities, like Aberdeen, Dundee, and Glasgow, although Glasgow is the largest city.

There are a huge variety of incredible natural wonders worth seeing in Scotland. Among the hundreds of island found there, the largest and best-known island is the Isle of Skye on the west coast of Scottland. Near the most famous fortress, Fort William at the southern end of the Caledonian Canal, there is the highest mountain in the British Isles: Ben Nevis with 4406 feet height. The bagpipes are regarded as distinctively Scottish, and among dishes, Haggis is perhaps the best known delicacy. Scottland is also famous for its clans, kilts, the red hair,  2000 medieval castles, as well as poetry and songs of Robert Burns.

As regards the kilt, or the highland dress, it is the most well-known characteristic of Scottland. The kilt, a skirt with a tartan pattern worn by men, is a very well-known symbol of Scottishness. A Scottish gentleman possesses greater appreciation if he is wearing a kilt. However, nowadays kilt is worn only as a tourist spectacle, or on celebrations.

On the other hand, I must tell some words about Nessie. For many years it has been supposed that there is a large dinosaur-like "monster" resident in Loch Ness. Experts have been searching any evidence for its existence. Many people believe that the size (21 square miles) and great depth of the loch (almost 800 feet), together with potential underwater caves, give "Nessie" places to hide.

As far as people are concerned, it is said that the Scottish take care of their money. In fact, they are not any meaner than most Germans, but in former times, Scotland was a very poor country, and people who own nothing are not able to spend anything. It is less widely known that the Scots are hospitable. There is much stronger national feeling in Scottish people. Their humour is ruder, speach is lauder, they are less discreet, than the English, and more casual.

Summerisingly, I considered to mention some interesting facts about this province. Edinburgh – the capital of Scotland, like Rome, was built on seven hills and it was also the first city in the world, which had its own fire-brigade. Famous Scottish people are  Saint Andrew, William Wallace, the greatest national hero, Sean Connery, James Watt, Walter Scott,  a famous writer, J.K. Rowling, the creator of Harry Potter, and Robert Burns. Some movies were made about the Scottish history, that became very reputable such as Rob Roy, Highlander, or the Braveheart.


Some pictures about Scottland









"Nessie" Illustration ©Anne Cavevari Green

 Nessie - The "monster" of Loch Ness







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