Character traits
Some characteristics, examples, facts
Character traits
First of all, let me mention some features like meek, polite, moody, clever, pretty, ugly, handsome. Not only can we distinguish marwellous, ang awful, characteristics, but also we can find internal and external ones. However we can meet such features, which do not really fit into any group, such as childish, forceful, weak, mature.
Confusing character traits exist which can be considered differently for instance childish, talkative, ambitious, motherly, sociable and so on. Imagine, there is a child at the age of 16 who wants to be independent. His parents ca not understand him and they want to escort him evrywhere, even more, they adjust his clothes in front of his friends, afterwards they give a tremendous kiss which is generally pretty annoying for the child. As some surveyors show, teenegers would love to seem and behave more oldish, than they really are, for this reason they hate when their parents act motherly. In another example a girl cannot stop talking at home, while she could not say a word at school. Her family consider that their daughter is very talkative, while her class-mates think that she is shy and mild.
One of the hardest and nearly impossible thing in life is to change character traits, especially bad ones. Expert say that negative sides of a person strenghten in life; in other words if somebody is introvertal at a very young age, the older he grows, the more insociable he becomes.
Personally, I recon to reduce and control negative characteristics consume awfully much energy and needs extremely lot attention. Hence, it improves the individual and is a great development. I also try to decrease the number of my negative features being the most difficult task in a person’s life.
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