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English : How can the environment be protected??

How can the environment be protected??

Global warming, collecting rubbish selectively, importance of rainforests

How can the environment be protected??


Before answering the question let me mention some basic information about our environment. The more people live on the Earth, the more polluted the air becomes. Consequences of global warming get worse.

Not only does global warming threaten our planet, but also there are more and more litter thrown away. Global warminhg can be caused by smoke of factories, vehicles and cutting down rainforests. Owe to the previously mentioned fact a hole appeared on the ozone layer and harmful rays of the sun can reach the Earth. Number of people who is suffering from skin-cancer is increasing.

Let me continue with the importance of rainforests. On one hand, many plants in medicine grow in the rainforest. Experts do not know all the plants yet – there are thousands and thousands of them. Researchers are trying to discover their secrets before they are destroyed.

On the other hand, dominant reason is the influence of global warming. The rainforests have an important effect on the Earth’s climate. They will disappear at terrifying rate and soon they will be gone. People do not do enough to save them. Global warming is really such a problem.

The polar ice caps consist of millions of tons of ice. If they melt, the level of the sea will rise and cause terrible floods. Many scientists believe that temperatures are already rising. We must do everything we can, to prevent global warming and that includes preserving rainforests.

You can rescue the nature in several ways. If humans took the environmental protection more seriously, there would not exist so much pollution. That is why we should collect rubbish selectively and buy more recycable product. Furthermore, either we ought to use public transportation, walk, or ride a bycicle.

Not only can we find harmful chemicals on soil, but also they are in water. For instance surfaces of seas are covered with oil split hindering oxigen from fish. Oil tankers should be more careful in order to save seas. In Budapest, sewage flows into Danube, due to this fact swimming is not allowed in the river, unfortunately.

As far as I am concerned I protect the nature so that I never throw litter on the street. I try to select newspapers and bring them to the recycling place. It would be wonderful if Hungarians collected rubbish selectively like in other contries. I believe that humans would work out that throwing a humble litter can cause giant damages.



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