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●Texts about countries
●Texts about countries : Great Britain

Great Britain

You can find everything about the country here

Great Britain


         It lies in an island in Noth-West Europe. Its ocean climate is influenced by the Golf current. Britain is a cold, rainy, foggy country. It has four parts such as Wales, Scottland, Nothern Ireland and England.

            That 4 parts used to war each other in the past mainly Scottland and England. England was coloniser country. It had colonies in North-America, India, South-Africa and Australia. Its army and fleet were significant. England was the leader power of sea. In 1700s the first industrial revolution leave for there. Great Britain became leading empire by the income of colonies and trade of sea. It played sufficient role in Antant and righting of worldpeace in the II. World War.

            In present days Great Britain is one of the political and economic powers, too. The form of government is parliamentary kingdom. The queen is respected now, but she hasn’t got political power. Characteristics of agriculture is that in the north there are sheep and cows, because the grass grows so well, and in the south there are arable farms growing crops and cereal.

            The territory of it is more than 2 million km2. The official language is English and the currency is pound sterling and penny.

            You can travel there by car in two ways. Either in the channel tunnel, which is under the La-Manche Channel or by ferry. However you can visit the country without car, by ship or plane.

            Englich people are cold, unfriendly and they enjoy talking about weather. They are famous for their unique and absurd humour. In several English families women do not work, but they stay at home with their children, and men are bread-winners. The most popular sport is soccer and men love seeing matches. After the match they visit pubs, where they drink their local brown beer. At this point I must mention their tea-siesta at five o’clock, when they drink tea with milk. Typical English food are Yorkshire pudding, ox-tail soup, beef-steak, and those meat which are half row and half roasted.

             The capital is London with the population of 7 million. The river of it is Thames. Its well-known places are Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey,  Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus and museums, for example Madame Tussauds. London is famed for its red double-decker buses, red telephone-boxes and bobbies. Its tourism is elementary.

            Reputable English singers are/were John Lenon, Robbie Williams, Dido, Enya. Actors are Sean Conneory and Emma Tomphson, plus writers, for instanse Agatha Christie, Daniel Defoe and so on.



Mit szoktl nzni a TV-ben?

tehetsgkutatkat (X-faktor, Megasztr stb)
valsgshowt (Val Vilg)
kibeszl showkat (Joshi Barath, Monika, Balzs show)
Politikai msorokat
Brmi olyat, aminek van valami rtelme
Brmit, csak szljon valami a httrben
Nem nzek TV-t
Szavazs llsa
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Melyik a legjobb tncstlus?

funky, hip-hop
musical, show
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