Roles of sexes
Differences among sexes: in work, in politeness, extereme cases and so on..
Roles of sexes
At first, I would like to mention some basic information about the topic. There have alwasys been differences between sexes, we can find them in prehistory. Men hunted, while women gathered. Ages have changes but roles of sexes have not. 50 years ago there were several family, where men were bread-winners in spite of women who brought up their children. Nowadays women can also work, even more sometimes they earn more than men. Many times men not only cannot it accept but also that when his female work-mate get promotion instead of him.
There are huge differences among jobs. For instance women pretty seldom do phisical work. They would rather make money with their sense. Despite men work like slaves. Roles of sexes are exchanged in many places. Women are bread-winners and men do the hausework plus bring up kids.
Roles of sexes are elementary in politeness. Courtesy rules exist such as the man opens the door for the woman, he helps to take off her coat, or gentlemen pull out the chair that the lady could sit down. If they exchanged, if the lady did these tasks it would be quite funny.
A long time ago men were the „master of the hause” and women were kept to bear children plus deal with them. Morover they were basic because of doing hausework, washing, cleaning, cooking and so on. Fortunately that system has not been more and everybody is equal. Females can also vote what is more they can practise human rights like men.
The family is not significant for a few women, but her career. Either, after she founded a family being entrusted it to the man, she buries herself into her work, not looking after her family. After she grows old and retires she will work out that she is alone and her children do not love her.
To my mind there are both positive and negative sides. Equality is a brilliant thing and also the fact that women can work. Although the more somebody work, the more will become lonely.