Bad habits
Smoking, taking drugs, alcoholism
Bad habits
Let me start with collecting into groups different harmful habits. Not only can we see perilous customs such as smoking, alcoholism, and taking drugs, which can be dangerous other people’s health,too, but also there are simple ones like biting nails, thrusting nose, drinking coffee or gambling. Which I mentioned last do not cause serious illnesses, morover ther cannot die due to thetir habitd.
No doubt there are reasons for every habits. On average, smoking is started during childhood. Children begin smoking because it is fashionable and they believe that they become cool, later they cannot give it up because it becomes their passion. Chain smokers have different symptoms. For instance, shaking hands, smelly skin and clothes from the smoke, deep sound, falling hair, older appearance. Nobody should smoke, even pregnant women taking a high risk that the baby who they will bear will not be healthy. The baby can get easier allergy and can have problems with lungs. Smoking-related illnesses are cancer, heart-attack, impotency, weak chest, matters with teeth and skin, falling teeth, weak resistance. Tobacco seriously damages yours and others’ health.
An other awful habit is taking drugs. Drug is taken by those humans who have problems with private life, lack of happiness, or who are not contented with themselves, bore their life although they possess money. It can be also taken because of curiosity, or just it is fashionable among friends.Drug-taking is the most dangerous bad habit, because the more somebody consumes, the more is wanted to take due to the fact that for that human’s organ it is necessary. Drugs cause visions, mentally and phisically malfunction, unpredictable person, you cannot stop without help, alwasy have to take more and stronger. If you were a chain drug consumer much money would be needed for you and finally you would have to steal, rob or maybe kill for the money to buy drug. It is better if you do not try it than if you do since the already the second dose can make you addict. At the end you have two options either you will be murdered by the drug or you stop taking it. The second is the harder decision. If you give it up, you will feel as if you are dying, your whole body is going to burn for a week and you will have other phisical pains. Fortunately, it is not characteristic in Hungary.
Let’s analyse alcoholism. Drinking alcohol has borders. One glass of red wine is quite healthy. Unfortunately, people drink spirit instead of wine, because they have problem with personal or professional life. Reasons could also be the same as at smoking or taking drug. Conlusion of alcoholism are the nexts: loosing controll of own life, hangover, vomitting, headache, can not remember things, loosing the link with the world. If somebody drinks a lot once, it makes him at ease, but if somebody drinks a lot more time he becomes agressive and can cause accidants easier. After some time the alcoholic looses his friends, job, family, possession and becomes useless and penniless.
In my opinion it is better if someone does not get used to take them, because it is very hard to stop it, it is my own experience. Personally, I cannot understand why people smoke tobacco, I understand drinking and taking drugs, they give for a time happiness, but why are they smoking? Beacause is it a fashion? In my wiev it is stupidity, cigarette is expensive, smelly and hurtful plus absolutely unnecessary. I believe that people somehow should end these terribly customs.
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