Healthy lifestyle
The five main rules of eating healthy
Healthy lifestyle
All shops offer new range of food which are made from tasty ingredients, there is a wide selection of meals, drinks, desserts and snacks to choose from which are caloirie-controlled and come in generous portions. Experts and nutritionists suggest 1,600 calories a day, enough for three 400-calorie meals and some snacks in between, so you can either make up your own daily menu or use a weekly planner.
As regards the topic, I ask that what are the golden rules of eating healthy? Answering the question 5 rules can be set up. Rule number one is to eat suit your lifestyle. Our food intake should change according to our needs. Men, women, and children all have different requirements as do people who are either white-collar or blue-collar workers. Eating too much food can lead to weight gain, especially the older humans get, the less humans are active. Therefore getting the balance right is an important first step.
Rule number 2 is to make sure you get five meals a day. A vital part of any eating plan is to include five portions of fruit and vegetables a day; or more. This will ensure that you get essential vitamins, minerals, and fibre in your diet. However, one should remember potatoes do not count as vegetable.
Rule number three is to choose a variety of foods. A varied diet helps to ensure you get a balance intake of nutrients such as carbo-hidrate, protein, fat. You can enjoy a wide variety of foods, including pasta, rise, fruit, vegetables, meat, and fish. Hence what counts is quantity, I mean, the diet should consist of much more protein than carbo-hidrate or fat.
Rule number 4 is to count your daily calories. On average, the recommended daily intake of calories is 2,500 for men, and 2,000 for women in order to maintain weight. All food count towards your total intake, so it is relly important to add snack as well. A good way to reduce the amount of calorie is to use sweetener instead of traditional sugar.
Rule number 5 is to cut down on fat. Eating too much fat, especialloy hidden fat found in meat and diary products, can cause weight gain. One should allwas try to choose semi-skimmed milk, hal- fat cheeses, and low-fat versions of sauces and foods. It is a surprisingy effective way to cut down your fat intake. Not only can you decrease your weight with eating less and healthier things, but also with moving, in other words doing some sport is a marvellous way for it.
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