King Stephen I.
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King Stephen I.
He was the first Hungarian king. He was a reigning prince 997-1000, and was crowned in 1000, on rule 1000-1038. We know him as the son of Gza who was a reigning prince of rpd’s Dynasty. His original name, Vajk became Stephen in christening.
He decided to spread Christianity. He organized 10 bishorpics, 2 of them became achbishoprics, and ordered vicarages and monasteries to be built. He provided financial provision for the Church.
King Stephen did not allow to disintegrate the country. He ended roamings abroad. Thus, several soldiers revolted against him, led by Koppny. Koppny was the other pretender for the throne, but Gza chose Stephen to be his inheritor. Koppny was jelaous, because he wanted to be the ruler. Stephen put down the revolt owe to his larger military power, and had him quartered. Although the king prefered peace and not war, with the previous action he proved that he could be hard, if it was necessary. Therefore Europian countries acknowledged his country.
He married to Gizella, who was a Bavarian princess. He was colonised in 1083. His right arm, the so-called Holy Right is still admired as a national relic.