Every data about our country
It is a Central European country. It has got 7 neighbouring countries: Slovakia, Ukraine, Rumania, Serbia-Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, and Austria.
It is a quite small country, its territory is about 93000 km2 ( square kilometer). It has a population of 10 millions. The largest city is Budapest, which is the capital of it with the population of 2 millions.The official language is Hungarian, but minorities can use their own mother tongues.
Hungary joined the Europian Union on the 1st May in 2004. The official currency is still Hungarian Forint, which will be replaced with Euro possible in 2010.
It has got a continental climate. We have got 4 sesons, such as spring, summer, autumn and winter. The highest peak in Hungary is Kkes, with 1014 m above sea level. The largest fresh water lake in Europe is in the country, which is called Lake Balaton or the Hungarian sea.
Hungary grows a lot of fruits, incuding apples, pears, peaches, and grapes. It is famous for its world-wide known wine, such as Egri Bull’s Bood. The counry exports wine, beef, and red pepper. Hungarian national food are: gulash, lecso, pancake, stuffed cabbage, and fishsoup. We have two large rivers: the Danube and the Tisza.
Dominating cities besides the capital are Miskolc, Debrecen, Szeged, Pcs, Gyr. The most popular sports are swimming, water-polo, handball, kayaking, rowing. Famous Hungarians are: Pusks Ferenc, Rubik Ern, Krdy Gyula, Szent Gyrgyi Albert, Petfi Sndor, King Mathias, King Stephen 1.
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