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School help
English : How do you prepare yourself for an exam?

How do you prepare yourself for an exam?

How can you learn languages?

How do you prepare yourself for an exam?

How can you learn languages?


            Before answering the questions, let me mention some basic information about the theme. Examinations have allways been in history, just it wasn’t its name. If you look back, you can notice different  exams belonging to proposal of marriage. If a girl in a wealthy family was wanted to marry off, and she had many suitor, they had to do tasks or stood all demands to win the girl’s hand.

            What is the real meaning of examination? Nowadays if somebody heard this word, it would be reminded that a few people stand in front of a room and wait to be his turn. After they enter the room, they want to prove their knowledge or skill.

            The formulation of the word of examination is the next. A knowledge judging formal procedure being well up in any kind of knowledge. It has two type: writing and oral exam.Examining body, examination fee and of course examiner occur in an exam.

            As regards the main question, you can prepare yourself for a language exam so that you should collect information about the topic which you will take an exam from. The more information you will pick up and learn, the grander the chance to pass your exam. You can also turn to a specialist or teacher who is at home in exam tasks, and you could be prepared successfully for your exam. An other possibility for you to join a course. It is the best solution because not only will you be educated by a professional teacher, but also you will be surrounded so people who want to take the same or similar examination like you..

            If you are in the exam, you must be calm, you must give confident answers. If you are asked so question which you do not know, do not panic but try to evade the reply or tip. Do not leave spaces in the writting exam. If you take my advices, you can pass your exam.

            One of the hardest and alone nearly impossible thing is to improve you oral knowledge. Not only can you develope it in order to learn words but also so that  you talk in the chosen language to an experienced person. At home you can practise for listening foreign TV programmes and try to understand it.

To my mind, examinations have several advantages and disadvantages. They are necessary due to the fact that it would be impossible to decide who own the appropriate language knowledge for instance at a job interview. However, it runs so stage-fever that people fail their exams, because they are excited. I am under the impression that before exam much learning stands, but it is worth if you pass the exam.



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tehetsgkutatkat (X-faktor, Megasztr stb)
valsgshowt (Val Vilg)
kibeszl showkat (Joshi Barath, Monika, Balzs show)
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Brmi olyat, aminek van valami rtelme
Brmit, csak szljon valami a httrben
Nem nzek TV-t
Szavazs llsa
Lezrt szavazsok
Melyik a legjobb tncstlus?

funky, hip-hop
musical, show
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